Can I play Choices in other languages?
How do I get more Diamonds?
Keys and Diamonds
How do I cancel a VIP subscription?
I reinstalled Choices and I lost some of my game data!
What are Pilots?
Why is there no sound?
Sound and Music
Where can I find information about upcoming Books and the latest Choices news?
How do I sign up for the Choices Insiders emails?
Where can I read Pixelberry's Terms of Service?
How can I change my character's name and appearance?
How do I continue after typing my character's name?
How do I get more Keys?
I bought something with Diamonds and want to replay the chapter. Will I have to spend the Diamonds again?
Why do you need me to sign in with Facebook, Apple, or Google?
How do I save progress to a Facebook, Google, or Apple Account?
My purchase isn't loading.
I switched devices without linking my game to a Facebook, Google, or Apple ID. Can you credit my new game with my old purchases?
Accidental or Unauthorized In-App Purchases
Most Wanted, Chapter 11: Car chase scene
The Crown and The Flame 1, Chapter 6: Can't beat Severin!
The Crown and The Flame 1, Chapter 9: How to earn all Army Points
Who composed the music for Choices? Is it available to download online?
How can I turn the sound on or off?
Do side stories and short form books count towards the "Complete a Book" Challenge?
Where can I find Challenges?
How do I complete the "Log in daily" Challenge?
What is VIP and how can I sign up?
I am not subscribed to VIP. How can I read VIP books?
When signing up for VIP, what happens to the Keys that are already in my inventory?
Can I get a job at Pixelberry?
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